The 7 Principles of Huna Kupua
As many others in Australia, I have been introduced to the philosophy of Huna and it`s seven principles by Mette Sorensen at High spirit retreat.
As I progress trough this journey, I wanted to create a visual media to explore the seven principles in both my life and work. I used them to meditate, find directions, and deepening my understanding on how the principles can be applied to healing and the bodywork.
This is my first work on Huna Kupua. As these posters were inspired and try to represent the seven principles from from Serge Kahili`s Urban Shaman book, I playfully showcase them here in an urban environment. I am hoping for this message of aloha to spread out and wide to every corner and wall in every town and every city around the globe ;)
The Seven Principles of Huna
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How do the principle relate to the Bodywork?
Each principle poster includes the fourteen controllaries as presented on the book the Urban Shaman by Serge Kahili King, they also have each individual reference to Power animals, colors and elements. I love to meditate on these.
One day I came across the work of Graeme Kapono Urlich, an alakai of Aloha international and founder of Aloha NZ. He wrote this amazing article on the application of the principle and healing trauma so I included this valuable information to complete the artwork and I am forever grateful for his support.
The world is what you think it is.
This principle reminds us that we can change our experiences by changing our thoughts. If you can alter your beliefs, you can alter your experience of the world.
If a receiver has a strong belief system that may not be serving them, your essence, your presence, and your perceptions can assist them in shifting and healing.
There are no limits.
Kala serves as a reminder that the universe is infinite and that we are part of it, we are infinite.
We are all interconnected, it is our thoughts and actions that affect the universe and the universe influences us. If we allow ourselves to expand and open our mind, we will seek out new pathways, and ultimately change what is possible. Kala is forgiveness anything that hold us back is a limit. By holding a place of forgiveness for ourselves and all around us, we dissolve limitations.
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.
In terms of bodywork, Makia is particularly effective. Focusing your physical, mental, and emotional attention not only channels your energy into what you are focusing on, but it also attracts energy from the world around you, which enhances its effects.
Makia teaches us to focus on our breath, our intention, our touching, and our intention as we work. Makia empowers you to do bodywork by allowing all distractions to dissolve and bringing your full attention to it. Makia empowers you to do bodywork by allowing all distractions to dissolve and bringing your full attention to it.
Now is the moment of power.
Manawa can also be used very powerfully for bodywork. It is in the present moment that all power exists.. Now is where you can plant seeds for the future and here is where you can harvest the crops of the past. This is the moment where we can facilitate change. The present moment is where you connect with, support and allow healing for yourself and your client. Now is the moment that healing occurs.
To love is to be happy with.
Acceptance and love are fundamental to the healing process. Aloha means to accept, to embrace, to create harmony. In order to create harmony and allow healing energy and love to flow naturally, you do not need to agree with your receiver at a personality level. Instead, you should accept who they are, as well as your relationship with them.
All power comes from within.
The concept of mana recognizes that we all come from the same source - spirit. Your ability to exist and to navigate the world depends on the spirit or life-force within you. All the power you need to transform yourself and evolve comes from within, from your mana. As a healer, you assist others to connect deeper with their spirit, their energy flow, and their ability to heal - their mana.
is the measure of truth.
In Pono, you find alignment or 'right-ness' with your own Soul, with a friend or relative, with your job, with your home, with your receiver and with your healing practice. In its extended meaning, pono implies that when something is 'right', it is beneficial to everyone involved. When you live in alignment with your truth, you will be most effective.
When you live in alignment with your truth, you will be most effective. Healing and bodywork, and the same goes for everything else in life , are pono if they are effective. A method that works for you or a combination of methods can be used to facilitateand create an environment where healing can occur.